Wednesday, 24 October 2012

The Evil Dead

The Evil Dead

The Evil Dead is a graphic horror directed by Sam Raimi (who went on to direct the GOOD spider man films) and stars Bruce Campbell and a host of unknowns who either became stay at home parents or into the porn industry. What sets Evil Dead apart from other films is it was one of the first to show absolutely over the top gore and at the same time be quite scary. Released in 1981 but filmed in 1979 with a lot of post production problems such as actually paying for the thing, it caused quite a stir and was banned in a lot of countries most famously being on the BBC's video nasty list along with the also excellent cannibal holocaust. 

Best bit

The best bits are a toss up between the absolute gore fest that is this film and the actual scary parts, the special effects are fantastic with pencils being gouged into ankles and blood shooting out to recently hacked body parts quivering on the floorboards and the best (and probably only) tree rape scene committed to film.

The scary parts are truly unnerving with the floating camera acting as the disembodied presence of the evil within the forest floating around ready to possess the next person it finds. the most powerful thing about the film though is a real sense of claustrophobia, these guys are stuck in this fucking cabin and are not going anywhere any time soon. When people run around the forest and it all starts to look the same you know its game over man, game over.

Worst Bit

Its hard to talk about a worst bit with evil dead because its such a fucking classic, but if i had to say it would probably be the acting. Some very cheesy dialogue here folks but hey it was the late 70's whaddya expect?
Also i may be proved completely wrong next year when the fucking REMAKE comes out but if it is crap (and hollywoods track record of remakes will probably make this so) people may be turned off watching the original if they have not seen it and do not like the remake which is a crime! hopefully it will be among the few ones that do it right like Texas chainsaw massacre  the fly and night of the living dead. So yeah very hard to fault this film!

What it means to me

When i first saw this I was really fucking young, My auntie would give me copies of my cousins old playstation magazine she was going to throw out and there was a big section on ratings in video games, this was caused by a lot of controversy over the level of violence in resident evil 2 released in 1998. There were a list of iconic horror films and pictures beside them, I remember seeing a picture of Ash with his face covered in blood thinking that looks really cool. Some time later I was in the square with a friend I had met in hospital and their older siblings, I convinced them to buy me Evil dead on video which was difficult as i was about 10 or 11 at the time. brought it home and sickened my friends. I distinctly remember one of my friends (who lived beside a forest) being absolutely traumatized by it and cursing me for showing it to him.  

Summing up

I would highly recommend The Evil Dead to fans of scare and gore, it balances the both pretty well and should be an inspiration for aspiring directors wanting to shoot a film with VERY little money. check it out.

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Quick bio

I haven't had an online bio since bebo so i thought id include some information do i thought id let you know about me.

My name is Daragh i am twenty two years old and live in the scenic town of Blessington Co wicklow.
recently finished a three year film and media course in DBS.

I have a condition called cystic fibrosis so a lot of my time is take up doing medicine, one of the reasons I thought id start talking about film. 

My main two interests are film and music. I played in two bands over the years Kevin on a bike and McGalligog gigging up and down the country and overseas.

I have wrote/edited/directed a few of my own films over the years starting when i was eleven.
me on far left posing for album shots with mcgalligog

I am a self confessed horror film addict. my favorites would include George A. Remeros dead series, the evil dead series, texas chainsaw massacare, the fly, braindead, house on haunted hill, the alien series, and hellraiser to name a few.  

First reviews coming soon =]

What im doing here

Hello all!

Here I will be posting regular film reviews as it is an interest of mine and will be focusing on horror/comedy reviews. Ill try and keep them regular and interesting with my own take on things.