Anchorman: the legend of Ron Burgandy is the 2004 comedy directed by Adam Mckay, starring Will Ferrall and Paul Rudd. The time is the 1970's where the news anchor was revered as a god and treated as one too.
Ron Burgandy leads his merry cast of men through their toughest battle yet... a woman in the news room. Its hilarious how threatened they are by Veronica Corningstone and don't know whether to fight her or fuck her, Ron does both. They also do battle against the other news networks in the city along with channel 2 news lead by the nefarious Wes Mantooth and his saintly mother. Brick has to be one of the greatest characters in film history, he is literally a bag of quotes, heres a few.
"Loud noises"
"Yeah, I stabbed a man in the heart."
"I ate a big, red candle".
"I would like to extend to you an invitation to the pants party".
"Where'd you get your clothes... from the... toilet store?"
"Hey, Ron. I'm riding a furry tractor"
And so on.
Best bit
The best bits are from 00 to 94 minutes.I really cant say a bad thing about this film because who can, its just such a classic.The characters are hilarious and so memorable and really feel like characters, you could be out with your friends and say something and someone would say 'oh that's such a brick thing to say' and how often do movies have random musical numbers in it?! AFTERNOON DELIGHT FUCK YEAAAH! One of the best scenes is Ron and Veronica having there back and forth live on air whilst the news team is trying to sabotage her, Heres Ron Burgandy and Tits Mcgee!
Worst bit
The credits.
What it means to me
Saw this in the cinema when it first came out and laughed my tits off. Rented it the second it came out on dvd and bought it soon after. A quote from it can be used in any situation in life, its just perfect.I own three copies inadvertently which says quite a lot... definitely says a lot! the picture below also speaks louder than words....
Classy as fuck.
Summing up
If Ron Burgandy says it.... its the truth! if you haven't seen it already buy a copy! or three! Many a night has heard the war cry, NEWS TEAM ASSEMBLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Do it now... or im going to shoot you... straight in the ovaries.... with a bb gun...