Monday, 5 November 2012

Night of the living dead (1990)

Night of the living dead (1990)

Night of the living dead is the remake of the 1968 film of the same name. Directed by Tom Savini the man who ALMOST did the special effects makeup for the original if it wasnt for that whole Vietnam war thing but did them for the two sequels Dawn of the dead(1978) and Day of the dead (1985). Everyone knows the story, few people caught in the middle of a zombie epidemic hold tight in an abandoned farm house for as long as they can. This is a fantastic film for fans of gore and splatter (directed by the king of splatter himself) but also physiological horror, as there are a lot of personality clashes going on with paranoia and tension very high.

Best bit

Best bit in my opinion would be the first 15 minutes, the intro because it simply is genius. it plays very close to the 68 version with similar dialogue and the characters looking almost identical. but when it comes to seeing the first zombie the audience expects it to be the same gimic, but its not. and then when you least expect it, BAM hideous zombie scares the shit out of you. and from there its basically the same story as the original except modernized, the characters are more real rather than 60's stereotypes where the husband regularly gave his wife a few slaps when she was being hysterical. one thing that made the original unique for its time was casting a black man as the lead which at the time was unheard of.

Worst bit

One scene in the film that annoys me just shows the stupidity of this character is when the inhabitants of the house realize there is a gas pump just up there road where they can fuel up and get out of there. they approach the pumps fighting off zombies as they do, one guy in the back of the pickup truck leaves his torch there and hops out to unlock the gas pump, after realizing he had the wrong keys he proceeds to take out his shotgun and blow the lock off! IDIOT! which then causes the whole thing to explode. just thinking about the what ifs which might have happened  if he didn't do that really grinds my gears.... 

What it means to me

I remember the day I got the dvd of Night of the living dead vividly because it was the same day I went to funderland with my cousins and got sick candy floss in the back seat of the car! i was about 12 at the time. Cant remember how I managed to get the dvd must have got someone to buy it for me. It was around this time my mam was getting pissed off with the amount of 18s movies in my collection! my horror obsession really kicked off at that age.

Summing up

Night of the living dead (1990) is one of the best remakes ever. Excellent directing, very good acting and GREAT special effects, a real horror hounds movie! hard to track down tho! hope yis all had a good halloween =]

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